RED DEER - Hockey Alberta is stepping behind the bench with The Coaches Site over the next three seasons.
The Coaches Site is a community of like-minded coaches that are focused on sharing innovative tools and resources to build better programs, practice plans, and team dynamics.
The partnership provides Hockey Alberta Members with access, for a reduced fee, to The Coaches Site and its abundance of coach resources.
“We are extremely excited to partner with Hockey Alberta to strengthen the collective coaching knowledge across the province,” says Aaron Wilbur, Founder and CEO of The Coaches Site. “We are like-minded in our belief that coaches have the biggest influence on the player experience. We look forward to working with the team at Hockey Alberta to support the education and development of their coaches to ensure their program continues to lead the country.”
Hockey Alberta registered coaches will also be able to participate in the Global Skills Showcase hosted annually in the spring by The Coaches Site. Coaches can learn from top skill development leaders in the game. As well, The Coaches Site will present the Hockey Coaches Conference - an occasion for the hockey community - not only in Alberta but across the country - to interact and unite.
“Hockey Alberta is committed to creating an environment for our Members to emphasize coach development, and partnering with The Coaches Site provides resources for our coaches to broaden their scope and further their development,” said Justin Fesyk, Senior Manager of Hockey Development. “Coach development is the pinnacle of hockey in Alberta and we know it starts at the local level. The Coaches Site offers equal access to resources to coaches across the province.”
Hockey Alberta’s Coaching Pathway includes NCCP certification, instructional stream courses, and professional development opportunities, along with resources such as The Coaches Site. For more information, check out the Hockey Alberta website:
The Coaches Site is a platform where the best hockey leaders in the world share their expertise and experience with a global hockey network. For more information, visit